3 Reasons It’s Important to Clean Your Gutters in the Fall

Autumn is approaching, which means all the leaves will be turning beautiful colors and falling down. As an Atlanta roofing company, we know leaves may be pretty to look at– but they can also cause a big mess. For us, fall means it’s time to let our customers know about the importance of cleaning out their gutters before the leaves take over! 

Here’s a few reasons why it is important to clean your gutters in the fall:

1. Leaves & Debris Can Clog Your Gutters. 

You know what will quickly ruin a beautiful fall day? A gutter that has been backed up by a pile of rotting leaves. A clogged gutter can lead to all kinds of issues for your home. As an Atlanta roofing company, we want your fall to be full of good memories, not messy moments. Let us come out and do a full inspection and get ahead of any potential problems!

2. Can Cause Water to Backup in Attic

If those pesky leaves are left in your gutters for too long, they could cause water to back up into your attic. We believe the outdoors should stay outdoors. A simple gutter inspection will indicate any possible points of entry to water or other environmental factors. A quick clean up could save you a lot of money and time!

3. Can Cause Water to Backup in Fascia Boards

As if water in your attic doesn’t sound bad enough, a clogged gutter could also cause water to back up into Fascia Boards. Not only will this end up hurting your curb appeal, it could also lead to serious maintenance problems for your roof. To save yourself a lot of money and a headache, let us perform a quick gutter inspection! 

To ensure your drainage system is free flowing, it’s recommended that you clean your roof at least twice per year.

At Team Roofing & Construction, we always had a goal to bring integrity to the roofing industry in the Atlanta, Birmingham, and Knoxville areas. We realize that the number one investment for our customers is their home. Team Roofing & Construction, takes pride in delivering gold standard customer service which is proven by the countless A+ ratings we have received in the communities we serve. 

Contact us today to schedule your FREE roof inspection.