3 Signs Your Roof Has Storm Damage

Roofs are designed to withstand strong elements, but sometimes heavy storms can win the battle with your roof, and it may cause damage. It is important to have a thorough roof inspection as this damage may be hard to see from the ground. Homeowners should watch out for signs of roof damage to avoid more expensive burdens can be right around the corner.

Did you know you have 2 years (after a major storm) to file a claim with your insurance company? Contact your Atlanta roofing company, Team Roofing and Construction today to see if you are qualified.

Here’s a few signs that your roof may have storm damage:

1. Wind Damage:
Missing shingles is the first sign of storm damage. Secondly, be sure to look at your roof’s flashing and make sure that it is not damaged or missing. Flashings are typically metal and they are often in your roof’s most vulnerable spots. Other wind damage may not be easy to see, especially if the adhesive seal that provides a water-shedding surface is broken. If your roof has been exposed to major winds, it is always best to contact a professional to inspect your roof.

2. Hail Damage:
Hail storms can bruise shingles by causing an indent on the shingle itself. You may also be able to see a distinct pattern of small round-shaped divots on the edges of the shingles. Another, possibly easier, way to see if there is hail damage to your roof is by looking at your flashing to see if there are round indents in the metal. You should be looking for repetitively round spots all over your roof and flashing.

3. Falling Debris:
Major storms can cause trees and other natural debris to fall on your roof. This can sometimes cause cracks in your shingles, that can eventually lead to leaks. If you see debris is still on your roof after a storm, it is important to either check yourself or call a professional to see if there is any shingle damage underneath the debris. Be sure to have your trees trimmed away from your roof to avoid these issues in the future.

Do you suspect your roof has storm damage?

If you feel that your roof might have damage, it is important to check as soon as possible. It is important that you do not wait long to check your roof.

Give Team Roofing a call today to schedule your free roof inspection and see if you can file an insurance claim.